The Generals of WWII

Generals from Japan Flag for Japan
Portrait of Major-General Munagi Harada

Harada, Munagi


* 24th of September 1893

† 28th of February 1982

(原田 棟)

(はらだ むなぎ)


1939-08-01 Colonel
1944-03-01 Major-General


1939-08-01 1940-12-02 Instructor at the Military Academy
1940-05-08 1940-12-02 Instructor at the Military Police Academy
1940-12-02 1943-06-10 Commanding Officer 215th Infantry Regiment
1943-06-10 1945-02-12 Commandant of Sendai Army Reserve Officers' School
1943-06-10 1943-08-02 Commandant of Sendai Army Training School
1945-02-12 1945-09-XX Commanding Officer 3rd Defence Brigade
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