The Generals of WWII

Generals from Japan Flag for Japan
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Tsunenari Hara

Hara, Tsunenari


* 23rd of June 1872

† 19th of January 1966

(原 常成)

(はら つねなり)


1927-08-07 Colonel
1931-03-11 Major-General
1935-03-15 Lieutenant-General


1925-08-07 1926-03-02 Attached to the General Staff
1926-03-02 1929-03-16 Commanding Officer Imperial Guards Cavalry Regiment
1929-03-16 1930-08-01 Chief of Horse Administration Branch, Military Service Bureau, Ministry of War
1930-08-01 1931-03-11 Senior Adjutant, Ministry of War
1931-03-11 1932-08-08 Attached to the Inspectorate of Cavalry
1932-08-08 1933-03-18 Commanding Officer 2nd Cavalry Brigade
1933-03-18 1934-08-01 Commandant of the Army Cavalry School
1934-08-01 1936-03-07 Director-General of Army Remount Department
1936-03-07 1936-03-17 In reserve
1936-03-17 Retired