The Generals of WWII

Generals from USA Flag for USA
Portrait of Brigadier-General Warren Thomas Hannum

Hannum, Warren Thomas


* 8th of March 1880

† 14th of August 1956

(Regular Army)


1924-11-03 Lieutenant-Colonel
1934-02-01 Colonel
1942-05-20 Brigadier-General (Army of the United States)
1942-06-30 Brigadier-General (Retired)


1922-07-XX 1925-08-XX Attached to Training Branch, G-3, War Department General Staff
1925-08-XX 1926-06-XX Attending the Army War College
1926-08-XX 1929-03-XX Commanding Officer 2nd Engineers Regiment
1927-06-XX 1929-03-XX Commanding Officer Fort Logan, Colombia
1929-04-XX 1930-02-XX Engineer, 3rd Corps Area
1929-04-XX 1931-09-XX District Engineer, Baltimore, Maryland
1929-08-XX 1934-08-XX Member of Board of Engineers for Rivers & Harbors
1931-10-XX 1935-07-XX Division Engineer, Gulf of Mexico Division
1935-07-XX 1938-01-XX Assistant to Chief of Engineers
1938-01-XX 1941-12-XX Division Engineer, South Pacific Division
1941-12-XX 1943-10-XX Division Engineer, Pacific Division
1942-06-30 Retired, but remained employed
1943-10-XX 1944-01-31 Division Engineer, Salt Lake City Division
1944-10-31 Retired