The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General Mikhail Danilovich Grishin

Grishin, Mikhail Danilovich


* 29th of January 1898

† 14th of April 1982

(Михаил Данилович Гришин)


1942-05-03 Major-General


1937-07-XX 1938-10-XX Commanding Officer 110th Rifle Regiment
1938-10-XX 1939-11-29 Commanding Officer 5th Rifle Division
1939-11-29 1941-07-24 Commanding Officer 2nd Rifle Division
1941-07-24 1941-08-14 Commanding Officer 42nd Rifle Division
1941-08-14 1942-11-21 Commanding Officer 6th Rifle Division
1942-11-21 1942-12-28 Hospitalised
1942-12-28 1943-01-28 At disposal of the Main Personnel Directorate
1943-01-28 1944-03-04 Commanding Officer 376th Rifle Division
1944-03-04 1944-03-25 Hospitalised
1944-03-XX 1945-07-XX Commanding Officer 286th Rifle Division
1945-07-XX 1945-XX-XX At disposal of the Military Council, Central Group of Forces
1945-XX-XX 1945-10-12 At disposal of the Main Personnel Directorate
1945-10-12 1946-09-10 Commanding Officer 161st Rifle Division
1946-09-10 Retired
Picture source:Гришин,_Михаил_Данилович