The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of Brigadier-General Marie-Joseph-André Frech

Frech, Marie-Joseph-André


* 19th of March 1879

† 16th of November 1962


1923-03-25 Lieutenant-Colonel
1928-10-14 Colonel
1934-12-03 Brigadier-General


1939-03-19 Assistant Commander 1st Maritime Region
1939-03-19 Governor of Cherbourg
1939-03-19 Commanding Officer Sub-Divisions Group Cherbourg
1939-03-19 Retired
1939-09-02 Recalled
1939-09-02 1939-09-19 Commanding Officer Sub-Division Saint-Lô
1939-09-19 1939-10-03 Assistant Commander 1st Maritime Region
1939-09-19 1939-10-17 Commanding Officer Sub-Division Cherbourg
1939-10-17 Retired