The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Colonel-General of Artillery Nikolai Fedorovich Drozdov

Drozdov, Nikolai Fedorovich

Colonel-General of Artillery

* 6th of August 1862

† 29th of December 1953

(Николай Федорович Дроздов)


1904-12-06 Colonel (Imperial Army)
1910-12-06 Major-General (Imperial Army)
1936-02-13 Division-Engineer
1940-06-04 Lieutenant-General of Artillery
1944-11-18 Colonel-General of Artillery


1913-XX-XX Instructor at Mikhailovsk Artillery Academy (Imperial Army)
1913-XX-XX 1914-XX-XX Member of the Advisery Committee of Air Ballooning
1913-12-19 Permanent Member of the Artillery Committee, Main Artillery Directorate (Imperial Army)
1914-XX-XX Assistant Chief of the Central Scientific-Technical Laboratory, Military Department
1915-09-07 1918-XX-XX Chief of 3rd Section, Technical Artillery Institutions, Main Artillery Directorate
1916-XX-XX Director of Putilovsk Plant
1918-02-XX Joins the Red Army
1918-02-XX 1919-05-XX Instructor at the Military Artillery Academy
1919-05-XX 1922-12-XX Extraordinary Professor, Military Artillery Academy
1922-12-XX 1923-04-XX Senior Instructor at the Military Artillery Academy
1923-04-XX 1924-09-XX Head of the Ballistics Department, Military Artillery Academy
1924-09-XX 1927-10-XX Head of the Mechanical Department, Military Artillery Academy
1927-10-XX 1932-07-XX Senior Instructor at the Military Artillery Academy
1932-07-XX 1933-03-XX Chief of the Special Technical Loop, Military Artillery Academy
1933-03-XX 1935-03-XX Head of Artillery Systems Design Department, Military Artillery Academy
1935-03-XX 1938-08-XX Chief of the Special Technical Loop, Military Artillery Academy
1938-08-XX Professor of Artillery Systems Design Department, Military Artillery Academy
1942-04-XX Instructor at Military Artillery Academy
1942-04-XX 1943-10-XX Deputy Head of Artillery Systems Design Department, Military Artillery Academy
1943-10-XX Member of Artillery Committee, Main Artillery Directorate
1946-02-28 1946-11-12 Member of the Academy of Artillery Science
1946-11-12 1950-12-01 Member of the Praesidium of the Academy of Artillery Science
1950-12-01 1953-05-XX Research Member of the Praesidium of the Academy of Artillery Science
1953-06-XX Retired
Picture source: Courtesy of Ilya Mukhin