The Generals of WWII

Generals from Italy Flag for Italy
Portrait of Major-General Angelo Celi

Celi, Angelo


* 2nd of June 1887

† 1st of October 1973


1934-07-29 Brigadier-General (Royal Carabinieri)
1937-07-01 Major-General (Royal Carabinieri)


Deputy Commanding Officer Royal Carabinieri Legion "Torino"
Commanding Officer Royal Carabinieri Legion "Perugia"
Commanding Officer Royal Carabinieri Legion "Padova"
Commanding Officer Royal Carabinieri Legion "Alessandria"
1937-XX-XX Commanding Officer 5th Royal Carabinieri Brigade
1938-XX-XX Attached to the General Command Royal Carabinieri
1939-10-01 Deputy Member of the Supreme Military Tribunal
1940-06-02 Retired
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