The Generals of WWII

Generals from Italy Flag for Italy
Portrait of Major-General Giovanni Casula

Casula, Giovanni


* 21st of April 1890

† 1983


1942-04-15 Brigadier-General (Seniority from 1942-01-01)


1938-11-20 Commanding Officer 1st Tank Troops Regiment
1938-11-20 1939-04-15 Attached to Milano Corps
1939-04-15 Chief of Staff, 38th Infantry Division "Puglie"
1941-XX-XX 1941-10-25 Chief of Staff, XIV Corps
1941-10-25 1941-11-20 Deputy General Officer Commanding 131st Armoured Division "Centauro"
1941-11-20 1943-01-01 Commanding Officer 1st Armoured Brigade, 131st Armoured Division "Centauro"
1943-01-01 1943-02-13 Deputy General Officer Commanding 131st Armoured Division "Centauro"
1943-02-13 1943-05-10 Attached to Alessandria Territorial Defence Command
1943-05-10 1943-09-01 General Officer Commanding 31st Infantry Division "Calabria"
1943-09-01 Attached to Sardinia General Headquarters