The Generals of WWII

Generals from Italy Flag for Italy
Portrait of Brigadier-General Enrico Carlino

Carlino, Enrico


* 23rd of June 1890

† 1954


1940-10-15 Brigadier-General (Seniority from 1940-07-01)


1935-09-25 1937-10-15 Commanding Officer 3rd Alpine Artillery Regiment "Julia"
1940-06-10 Chief of Staff, 1st Alpine Division "Taurinense"
1940-06-10 At disposal of the Chief of the Army General Staff
1940-11-01 Attached to Artillery, Napoli Territorial Defence Command
1940-11-01 1941-12-27 Commanding Officer Napoli Harbour Defences
1941-12-27 Attached to Napoli Territorial Defence Command
1942-10-01 Attached to Napoli Territorial Defence Command
1942-10-01 1943-XX-XX Commanding Officer Artillery, Napoli Territorial Defence Command
1943-01-01 Retired, but remained employed