The Generals of WWII

Generals from Italy Flag for Italy
Portrait of Brigadier-General Giuseppe Capelli

Capelli, Giuseppe


* 2nd of April 1891

† 28th of December 1975


1937-07-01 Colonel
1942-09-04 Brigadier-General (Seniority from 1942-01-01)


1939-01-15 Commanding Officer 8th Alpine Regiment
1939-03-15 Attached to Torino Corps
1939-09-08 1940-04-12 Deputy Member of the Military Tribunal, Torino
1940-04-10 Attached to I Corps
1940-04-10 1941-XX-XX Commanding Officer Cuneo Military District
1941-07-01 Retired, but remained employed
1943-XX-XX President of the Military Tribunal, 4th Army
1943-09-19 1945-05-XX Prisoner of War [Germany]