The Generals of WWII

Generals from Latvia Flag for Latvia
Portrait of General Andrejs Bubinduss

Bubinduss, Andrejs


* 12th of August 1891

† 18th of May 1942


1922-06-29 Lieutenant-Colonel
1927-11-27 Colonel
1940-06-30 General


1926-XX-XX Commanding Officer ? Battalion, 11th Dobele Infantry Regiment
1927-XX-XX 1930-XX-XX Chief of the Officers' Academic Course
1930-XX-XX 1934-XX-XX Chief of Staff, Kurzeme Division Kurzeme
1934-XX-XX 1935-XX-XX Commanding Officer 12th Bauska Infantry Regiment
1935-XX-XX 1939-XX-XX Chief of Staff, Zengale Division
1939-XX-XX Chief of Staff, Vidzeme Division
1939-XX-XX 1940-06-30 Commanding Officer 8th Daugavpils Infantry Regiment
1940-XX-XX Deputy Commanding Officer Vidzeme Division
1940-XX-XX Acting Commanding Officer Vidzeme Division
1940-XX-XX Commandant of the Military Academy
1940-09-XX Retired
1941-06-14 1942-04-18 Arrested by the Soviets
1942-04-18 Condemned to death
1942-05-18 Executed
Picture source: Courtesy of Valdis J. Kursietis